轻巧的蔡司T-SCAN hawk三维扫描仪搭配GOM Inspect软件套装
全新T-SCAN hawk扫描仪便携、精确、与众不同 :这套结合GOM Inspect软件套装的强大解决方案,可协助您完成 从扫描高质量三维数据到获得高质量结果的全过程。 它专为简化流程设计,为服务于您设计。

T-SCAN hawk三维扫描系统体积小巧,可以在任何需要的地方采集数据。 从逆向工程到质量控制,轻巧的手持式解决方案可在生产过程和车间现场为您提供支持。

全新T-SCAN hawk三维扫描仪集成多重优秀技术,例如大型物体摄影测量,多种激光光源和三种扫描模式,可完美扫描扫描零件极小细节和深口, 提供超高精度的三维测量数据。

由 T-SCAN hawk 结合预安装的 GOM Inspect 软件套装组成的完整解决方案可以简化从扫描到评估和报告的整个工作流程。
- 根据实际形状还原CAD
- 模具及历史文物存档
- 从细节到大型零件扫描

- 零件磨损及损坏的简单三维检测
- 室内外便携操作
- 多种评估的趋势分析

- 实际数据与CAD对比
- 功能性尺寸检测
- 车间检测

GOM Inspect
GOM Inspect 软件套装可以实现一切您想要的功能。作为一体化,独立于操作系统的软件解决方案, 它允许导入不同测量系统来源的三维数据,支持从三维打印和逆向工程,到检测,评估和报告的完整工作流程。 作为三维计量软件的标杆,它实现了更简化和更快速的工作流程。


- 轻巧,紧凑,便携式设计
- 方便出差携带,提供现场支持
- 适用于狭窄环境和可及性差的区域作业

- 多种激光光源分别用于极小细节和大范围扫描
- 捕捉各类表面和材料数据
- 可扫描高亮和高暗物体表面和深口

- 独立一体机
- 设备启动快
- 扫描过程简单直观

- 适合大型或重型物体扫描
- 扫描大型物体更高精
- 内置摄影测量系统
- 数据结果可靠



Explore how Toon uses a 3D scanner to measure in production. To analyze a quality problem, he takes the portable T-SCAN hawk to the shop floor. After scanning the complete part, a prepared inspection template in GOM Inspect Suite delivers immediate results.
How to 3D scan huge objects with photogrammetry
Meet Benjamin and follow his step-by-step guide to 3D scanning a ship propeller. He combines two solutions: First, he uses GOM’s external photogrammetry camera TRITOP. Subsequently, he adds specific data using the portable T-SCAN hawk.
Learn how photogrammetry works and how it can enhance the accuracy when scanning large parts. Discover why you should use coded reference points, which device is suited for taking photogrammetry pictures – and how to extract 3D coordinate information from 2D images.
Learn how Toon uses a portable T-SCAN hawk 3D laser scanner to scan the cockpit of an oldtimer airplane for further customization. And find out why a large field of view in combination with a short stand-off distance makes Toon’s scanner perfect for confined spaces.
本期视频将介绍T-SCAN hawk便携式三维扫描仪如何为航空航天和汽车修理行业的凹陷检测及尺寸判定带来技术革新。您将了解扫描大型物体要做哪些前期准备工作以及GOM Inspect Suite软件功能的神奇之处。
How to compare two scans
How do you evaluate the aerodynamic characteristics of two IndyCars to improve them? Learn how to compare two 3D vehicle scans against each other with GOM Inspect: Simply set one vehicle as the nominal data, then create an alignment to see the deviations.
How to scan a complete vehicle
Wondering how to 3D scan a car, including its underside? Ian knows how it’s done, so let him show you the steps: from placing the reference points for scanning and the coded markers and scale bars for photogrammetry to capturing the vehicle from many different angles.
T-SCAN hawk:遥控按键的各项功能
Toon teaches you how to work with the remote control buttons: Learn how to start the 3D scanner, zoom in and out, change scanning modes and exposure time. Especially useful: The M-button allows you to control the software and workflow directly from the portable scanner.
00:34 The play/pause-button
01:13 The M-button
02:06 Remote scanning workflow
T-SCAN hawk:扫描极小的细节
Find out how to scan fine details with T-SCAN hawk: If you want to scan small details on a larger part, watch Toon add local resolution to specific areas. For detailed objects, set a high resolution and immediately use the scan details function in GOM Inspect Suite.
00:24 Two scenarios
01:29 Scenario 1: Large part with local detail
03:09 Scenario 2: A whole part with fine details
T-SCAN hawk:红蓝激光的区别
The 3D laser scanner T-SCAN hawk features two different laser sources: red and blue. Use red lasers for larger parts, deep pockets and hard-to-reach areas and let Toon explain why blue lasers are ideal to scan parts with a lot of detail and high resolution.
T-SCAN hawk:实用方法和技巧分享
在本期视频中,Toon将分享几点T-SCAN hawk的使用技巧:1)了解不同表面的曝光时间 2)掌握三种扫描模式下,扫描仪的最佳把持方向 3)用玩具积木玩出新花样。
T-SCAN hawk:使用GOM Inspect软件扫描深孔
本期视频将解释为什么T-SCAN hawk便携式激光扫描仪是深孔扫描的不二之选。Toon将给大家演示如何解锁GOM Inspect软件中的深孔模式,并配合扫描仪的单束激光线扫描孔的深处,从而获得更多数据。
T-SCAN hawk:在GOM Inspect软件中扫描(三)
T-SCAN hawk:在GOM Inspect软件中扫描(二)
T-SCAN hawk:在GOM Inspect软件中扫描(一)
本期视频将介绍GOM Inspect的三种常见扫描策略之一。这一简单的扫描工作流程适用于采集零件表面、深孔和细节特征数据。看Toon逐一使用扫描仪的三种模式,完成从参考点摄取到多边化处理扫描数据的全过程。
How to scan large objects using a portable 3D scanner
See how to use the hand-held 3D scanner T-SCAN hawk to scan big objects for inspection. Find out how coded reference points and scalebars can help you create a stable structure before scanning. And discover the advantage of having a large field of view while scanning.
T-SCAN hawk:GOM Inspect软件初次使用教程
本期视频将介绍新手如何第一次使用GOM Inspect 软件。首先了解T-SCAN hawk的不同工作区和主工具栏。Toon将带领大家了解整个扫描工作流程,从标定到按下扫描功能键,最后到多边化处理扫描数据为最终网格。
T-SCAN hawk: 安装教程
在本期视频中,Toon将为大家带来T-SCAN hawk便携式解决方案的开箱介绍。T-SCAN hawk配备专属收纳箱,三维扫描仪、电缆、参考点、摄影测量用的编码参考点和比例尺、许可证加密狗和标定板,一应俱全。独立一体机小巧便携,方便出差携带。
T-SCAN hawk: 全新便携式三维激光扫描仪开箱
在本期视频中,Toon将为大家带来T-SCAN hawk便携式解决方案的开箱介绍。T-SCAN hawk配备专属收纳箱,三维扫描仪、电缆、参考点、摄影测量用的编码参考点和比例尺、许可证加密狗和标定板,一应俱全。独立一体机小巧便携,方便出差携带。
T-SCAN hawk:如何使用内置的摄影测量功能
Toon explains when and how to use the built-in photogrammetry function of the 3D laser scanner T-SCAN hawk. Essential utensils: reference points, coded reference points and scalebars. Their use enables 3D scanning of larger parts with higher accuracy.