Automated inspection of welds
The new weld check package in GOM Inspect Pro ensures automated and standardized inspections of welds. Together with the T-SCAN, selected scan data can be evaluated with maximum comfort.
在医疗领域使用ATOS Q进行三维扫描
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ZEISS Reverse Engineering software for reverse engineering processes
Let’s make a CAD out of this mesh!
Extracting the complete design information from a finished object: the possibilities of reverse engineering are increasing as technology advances – not only for large scale industry.
Aviation insights come in 3D
Listening to our partners in aircraft, there’s a lot to discover: From the surprising beauty of detecting and repairing dents, bulges and wrinkles, to the fact that, when it comes to the creativity and passion involved in restoration, not even the sky is the limit.
T-SCAN hawk 2与ZEISS Quality Suite中的Weld Check程序包相结合,确保了焊缝检查的自动化和标准化。在Huck Cycles,对焊缝的详细分析也是生产功能与安全兼备的电动摩托车的基础。点击此处,了解关于此流程的更多详情。
来自我们全球合作伙伴网络的Midwest Metrology接受了建筑行业的一项艰巨任务。欢迎了解他们如何对大型水泵进行三维扫描以进行维修。
在本文中,我们的合作伙伴CAD Micro向我们展示了条纹投影扫描系统ATOS Q如何支持他们的逆向工程流程。使用移动扫描仪,可以对油门杆进行扫描,并将生成的STL数据用于精确的三维打印。